GoDaddy Hjälp

Change the look of my marketing email

Step 3 of Create and send marketing emails.

Once you have your words and images added to your marketing email, update the design for the look and feel you want.

Choose a theme

Themes are pre-designed starting points for your marketing email’s design.

  • Featured Themes are some of our best, newest or most popular themes.
  • Other Themes are where your personal themes are kept, in addition to themes not featured.

Once you find a theme you like the general look of, use Edit Styles to customize it to look exactly the way you want.

Edit styles

Styles are where you individually control every aspect of your email’s brand design: background color, inner color, border color, footer color, primary and secondary fonts, font color, font size, link color, button shape and button color.

Once you start customizing an existing theme, you’ll see the option to Create New Theme.

If you’re customizing one of your own themes, you’ll have the ability to Save Changes as well as Create New Theme.