GoDaddy Studio Hjälp

Create my Link in Bio

Use one of our quick-start templates to create your Link in Bio, or design your own from scratch.

Note: Link in Bio is available in the GoDaddy Studio app on iOS and Android devices only. It's free to all GoDaddy Studio customers.

  1. Sign in to your GoDaddy Studio app.
  2. At the bottom of the screen, tap Link in Bio.
  3. Tap Create New Site.
  4. Select one of the suggested categories for your site and tap Continue.
  5. Type a name for your webiste and tap Continue.
  6. Customize your Link in Bio. You can:
    • Upload and add your own images, or choose images from our libraries
    • Change the background color
    • Change the text
    • Change the font type, color and alignment
  7. Add your social media and other links. You can add up to 12 social media profiles and as many other links as you like.
  8. When you’re happy with your Link in Bio, in the upper-right corner, tap Publish.
  9. Choose whether to publish to a domain you own, get a new domain or publish to a free GoDaddy URL, and then tap Continue.

Warning: You won’t be able to change the link to your Link in Bio later. To get a different link, you’ll have to delete your Link in Bio and create a new one.

Your site will be published immediately. You can then view it or share it via social media. You can also copy your link and paste it into your social media bios manually, or tap Done if you’re not ready to share it yet.

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