Microsoft 365 from GoDaddy Hjälp

Add external contacts to my address book

When you communicate with people outside of your organization (like partners or customers), add them to your organization's address book as shared contacts.

Required: You need admin permissions to add shared contacts. For more info, see admin roles from Microsoft.
  1. Sign in to the Exchange admin center. Use your Microsoft 365 email address and password (your GoDaddy username and password won't work here).
  2. Under Recipients, select Contacts.
    recipients expanded with contacts highlighted
  3. Select Add a mail contact.
    add a mail contact highlighted
  4. Under Set up the basic information, enter the contact’s information. The Display name, Alias, and External email address are required.
  5. Select Next.
  6. (Optional) Under Set up mail contact information, enter any additional Contact information or Organisation information that you’d like to add to your contact.
  7. Select Next.
  8. Review the mail contact information, and then select Create. You’ll see a confirmation when the contact is successfully created.
  9. Select Done. You’ll see the new contact listed.

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