Managed WordPress Ecommerce Hjälp

Configure Store Availability Rules for WooCommerce Bookings

Learn how to apply global store availability rules to bookable products in your store. Please note that the rules apply to all bookable products.

Configuring global store availability rules would be useful for you if:

  • Your store has set hours of availability.
  • You need to block out a specific date range for all products.
  • Your store only has availability during specific seasons.
Required: WooCommerce Bookings is a premium WooCommerce extension included with WordPress Ecommerce Hosting or as a standalone purchase.
  1. Sign in to WordPress.
  2. Navigate to Bookings > Settings > Store Availability.
  3. Select Add Range to add rows to the table.
  4. Enter rules using the dropdown menus. Select options from: Range type, Range, Whether it’s bookable or not, Title, Priority.
  5. Save changes.

Note: Every time-block must be designated as either bookable or not.

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