Managed WordPress Hjälp

Disable Real User Metrics (RUM)

WordPress sites hosted in the US using Managed WordPress or Managed WordPress Ecommerce hosting are opted-in to provide Real User Metrics (RUM) data by default. RUM data is gathered via a small JavaScript snippet that we insert into your website. Most sites won't experience issues when opted-in to RUM.

The snippet of javascript code allows us to measure and track the performance of your website, and collects information such as connection time and page load time. We don't collect any user information with RUM. The data we collect allows us to improve our systems, optimize DNS resolution, improve network routing and server configurations.

Note: If you're using Google's AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages Project), you have pages ending with multiple ending tags, or your site performance is slower, you may want to opt-out of RUM.

Follow these steps if you need to disable RUM for your Managed WordPress site:

  1. Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. In your My Products page, next to Managed WordPress, select Manage All.
  3. For the website you want to disable RUM on, select Settings from the Menu icon menu.
    Select settings
  4. Under Production Site next to Experience Improvement Program, select Change.
    Select Change
  5. Select No, I don't want to participate in the program, then select Confirm.
    Select no, then confirm

Once you change this setting, it may take up to 24 hours to take effect.

More info

  • RUM is an industry standard method for measuring application performance. For more information, visit
  • For information about the site data related to the usage of our Services, please review our refund policy.