Basic & Pro Reseller Hjälp

Change default nameservers for my reseller customers

When your customers register or transfer a domain name, they select the nameservers for their domain names. You can use our default nameservers, but you can also designate your own as the default settings. Your hosting products and top-level domains (TLDs) must support custom nameservers to use this feature. You can also change the nameservers for your own domain.

  1. Sign in to your Reseller Control Center (use your GoDaddy username and password).
  2. Go to Settings, then Domains.
    select domains
  3. Below Default Nameservers, select Use custom parked nameservers.
    select use custom nameservers
  4. Enter the specific custom nameservers you'd like to use.
    enter nameservers

    Note: If you use your own nameservers for your customers' domain names, you're responsible for any zone file modifications.

  5. Select Save.

The default settings will update to use your custom nameservers.

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