Workspace Email Hjälp

Why am I getting bounce errors for email I didn't send?

If you're receiving a large number of replies or bounce backs for email that you didn't send, or from email addresses that show your domain but don't exist, you may have been spammed.

There's a spoofing technique where a spammer sends huge volumes of email messages that appear to be from you or someone other than the actual source. Spammers often use a random address in their spam list as the From address to disguise the true source.

Here are some ways you can protect yourself and your email account from being spammed:

  • Don't unsubscribe from a spam email. That lets spammers know they have a valid email address.
  • Create a separate email address strictly for use on websites.
  • If you have the catch-all feature for your domain turned on, temporarily turn it off.
  • Set up an SPF record to prevent further abuse to your domain.

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